AG District Culture

The contact person is the AG Stadtteilkultur team: /
Dates: Tuesday, September 24, 5 to 7 p.m. (at HausBoden, Gottfried-Keller-Str. 30, 01157 Dresden-Cotta)

We are an association of HAUSBODEN, Löbtop e.V. and the Neues Volkshaus Cotta as well as interested people.

We founded this working group to mark the 100th anniversary of the Volkshaus Cotta.

We are currently looking for photos, drawings, documents and many, many contemporary witnesses who can tell us about the past and share interesting facts with us. from 2026 to 2028, we want to organize an exhibition in our Volkshaus with their stories for all interested parties. What do you know about the west of Dresden, Cotta's history and the former Richard-Gärtner-Haus and later Kulturhaus? We are looking for your stories in connection with the new Volkshaus Cotta!