Located in the heart of Cotta, we offer rooms and mobile workspaces for people not only for the neighborhood, for social associations or for educational work, but also for the cultural and creative industries (CCI). On 350 square meters within the old walls of the Volkshaus, we create a flexible working environment with the innovative power of a cultural and creative industry hub, enhanced by five aspects:
In the new Volkshaus Cotta, you will find the essence of new work: it is diversity! It is mixing. It is an encounter with other skills, opinions, age groups and backgrounds. It is community. And there are opportunities that arise from the joint process around the equipment, the space and the means of production. In such a setting, individual work can pulsate. Value is created - both financial and beyond.
For birthdays, school launches, annual meetings etc. please contact the Feiermanufaktur, right next door.
The 75 m² event room in the public part of the building can be used for neighborhood events and functions alike. A maximum of 60 people can be seated here on red velvet chairs, tables are also available.
The lighting can be used for exhibitions or to create a stage atmosphere using spotlights. Projectors and sound equipment are available for hire and the event room is barrier-free.
The "Stube" can be rented for a maximum of 10 people and is ideal for regular gaming sessions, sewing meetings, perhaps also as a flexible workplace, but also for consultation times such as the social service. The "Stube" is barrier-free accessible.