A cultural and neighborhood center

We are a project of Konglomerat e.V.

Since 2019, the Neue Volkshaus Cotta (formerly: Richard-Gärtner-Haus) has been renovated with countless volunteer hours and has been open again since April 2023.
In addition to permanent tenants from the creative industries, people from the neighbourhood have the opportunity to make offers, get involved in working groups, organize events and help shape the programme.

Feel free to drop by and get involved
or write us an email
or call us on 0178 - 961 76 83
(we can usually be reached on Mondays and Wednesdays).

Would you like to rent a room from us?

We have rooms and workspaces for the arts and creative industries.
We would be happy to show you what options are available on site.

Current events

In addition to regular offers from the neighborhood, various events take place.
We publish the dates in a flyer that appears every 2-3 months.
You can also find all the important information here on the website .


Children's flea market

Are you looking for exciting things, children's clothes, toys or technical refinements from the past? Then take a stroll through our flea market! Almost 30 stalls invite you to browse, find and trade... There's coffee and lots of cake to boot!
The original date of 14.09. has had to be postponed by a week due to the weather.

Stall registrations are possible until 17.09. at

When? Saturday, 21.09.2024, 9 am to 1 pm

Open breakfast for women

Start the day with coffee, tea, bread rolls, fruit and good company. There is the opportunity to talk to other women, exchange ideas and get to know the advice center for women without gainful employment. The breakfast is free of charge.

When is it? Thursday, September 12, 10 to 11:30 a.m

Afterwards: Open advice: 11.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
- (Professional) orientation and perspective development
- Activating resources and strengthening self-esteem
- Support in difficult life situations and crises
- Support with concerns and questions when dealing with authorities (job center, employment agency, ...)

Head of service: Christina Pietzarka

New from August:

Children's circus

Children's circus has been taking place at the Volkshaus since August. All children are welcome to practise the various circus arts in the mini circus (4-7 years). In addition to acrobatics, hoops, juggling, clowning and poi games, it is of course also about discovering circus together in a playful way. Come along!

Tuesdays Group I: 3.15 - 4 p.m. and Group II: 4 - 5 p.m.

The mini circus costs €35 per month.
Funding via education and participation is possible.

Registration: or 0176 247 647 59

ZickZack-Fieber - Open sewing meeting with Lilly

Are you interested in sewing with a sewing machine or by hand? Perhaps you don't have your own sewing machine or would like to try out this hobby first?

Sew what you like! Bring someone else with you! Tell others!

Materials are available. I gratefully accept donations of materials at any time!
(sewing stuff, fabrics, threads, ...)

For beginners, those getting back into sewing and anyone who wants to sew!

When? from August 19, Mondays, 4 to 5:30 pm, ATTENTION: from October on Wednesdays 5 to 7 pm
With? Lilly Barthel
Registration? Tel: 0151-26 37 25 69, e-mail:

Preview for October


The 31st film festival for young audiences is also making a stop at the Neues Volkshaus Cotta.
In our event hall you can sit on comfortable chairs, there is of course fresh popcorn and after the movie you can romp around on the nearby playground.
We look forward to seeing you!

When? 05.10. to 20.10.2024



Time of dayMovie
4:00 pmChihiro's Journey to Magic Land


Movie timeMovie
10:00 a.m.Checker Tobi and the journey to the flying rivers
4:00 pmChecker Tobi and the journey to the flying rivers


Time of dayMovie
4:00 pmOf magicians, dragons and fantastic transformations
Our extra:Flip-book making


Time of dayMovie
10:00 a.mThe walking castle
4:00 pmThe changing castle


Time of dayMovie
10:00 a.m.Dounia and the Princess of Aleppo
Computer nostalgia
Long prepared - on April 27/28 the time had come. On the tables covered with white tablecloths, interested visitors found 5 "old-timers" of computer technology ready to play. Another 5 places simulated the "old-timers" on modern computer technology - everything was hands-on and hands-on. The children particularly enjoyed the pixelated games. These were still played using cassettes or floppy disks. It was also possible to show how, if you are interested, you can still get back to the originals of that time on modern devices.All in all - a success, even if the number of visitors did not meet our expectations.
The spring flea market at the Neues Volkshaus Cotta
On Saturday, April 13, 2024, the residents of Cotta moved to the meadow between the Hebbelstraße playground and the Neues Volkshaus Cotta to have a good time. 30 stalls were set up with all kinds of children's things, toys, books, technology and much more. The children and adults also enjoyed 3D printing. Everyone enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere in the beautiful sunshine. Coffee and cake were provided in abundance.Thank you to everyone involved!We look forward to seeing you at the next flea market. This is expected to take place on September 14, 2024.
The open storytelling stage in the Neues Volkshaus Cotta
Once a month, things get magical at the Neues Volkshaus Cotta. That's when the ErzählRaum e.V. from Dresden invites you to the Open Storytelling Stage.Guests come to listen, enjoy and tell stories. It's not just the members of the association (Brit Magdon, Jule Richter, Katharina Randel) who tell stories on stage - guests are also invited to tell stories at the table or on stage. Many a laugh is heard, but often there is also reverent silence as people listen to the exciting stories.This is accompanied by a glass of wine, a sip of beer or a soft drink and everyone goes home filled with the new stories they have heard.Until April on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, then on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, all those interested are invited to be whisked away into the world of storytelling. We look forward to seeing you there!
Seniors' get-together 60+ on Shrove Tuesday
On 13.02.2024, no fewer than 14 senior citizens came together for their now weekly get-together. There have never been so many.It can't just be down to the pancakes. So word has got around that there's always something going on here on Tuesdays. In addition to thiscolorful event, the topics change every week. The plan is to sing together, play games and bingo, do memory training for the elderlyand much more. After 2 hours of fun, dancing and a polonaise, it was time to call it a day. After all, it was already lunch time. Everyone was very happy - and that's the main thing.

We are happy about your donation

Account holder: Konglomerat e.V.
IBAN: DE46 8306 5408 0104 7788 12
Subject: Donation Neues Volkshaus

This donation is tax-deductible because it is for a charitable purpose!