I would like to become part of the volunteer Orga team

The New People's House Cotta is mainly implemented by volunteers. There are working groups for different areas that meet independently and plan their actions. Once a month, we all come together in the "plenum" and report back to each other on the ideas and plans.
Overall, the following applies: no one has to be a professional to implement something and together it is always more fun.

Monthly plenary

Every first Monday of the month, all volunteers of the Neues Volkshaus Cotta meet to report on the past and plan the future together.

From 5:30 p.m. there is an introduction for new and interested people to the project.
Please register: mitmachen@neuesvolkshaus.de
From 6 p.m. the working groups report on their activities and we discuss important decisions about running the house together.

Our working groups (WG)

AG Garden

Photo: Kevin Welde

In this working group we dedicate ourselves to the large garden around the New People's House. We are still in the process of building up and are looking forward to new comrades-in-arms. Our plans for 2023 are for example workshops, seed exchange, the construction of a Benjes hedge and a rock garden, herb spiral.

Contact: jan@konglomerat.org

AG Event

Photo: Konglomerat e.V.

We plan various events to liven up the New People's House, e.g. flea markets or readings. You can bring in your own ideas or just pitch in when we need support - whatever suits you.

Contact: annabetsch@konglomerat.org

History working group - 100 years of "Volkshaus Cotta"

What do you know about the west of Dresden, Cotta's history and the former Richard-Gärtner-Haus and later Kulturhaus? We are looking for your stories in connection with the new Volkshaus Cotta!

We are looking for photos, drawings, documents and many, many contemporary witnesses who can tell us about the past and compile interesting facts with us. from 2026 to 2028, we want to organize an exhibition in our Volkshaus with your stories for all interested parties.

Why don't you come along?
Please get in touch with the AG Geschichte team!
Tel: 0178-9617683
Mail: jana@konglomerat.org
When? Tuesday, 23.07. (in Haus Boden), 27.08. (in Neues Volkshaus Cotta), 24.09. (in Haus Boden), 5 to 7 p.m

Who we are

Photo: Konglomerat e.V.

Our team is as colorful as a meadow of flowers! We are of different ages, come from different professions, are in training or retired, live sometimes very close and sometimes quite far away from the Volkshaus Cotta. What we all want: to make the New Volkshaus Cotta a reality!